
setting environmental variables for wine

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VaultDweller Dimanche 9 Décembre 2018 à 15:19

Hi community,

first of all: thank you for PlayOnLinux! Such an amazing software.

Maybe my problem is trivial, nevertheless I cannot find a solution via google or otherwise: In order to run Fallout 2 (version from GOG) together with the Restoration Project on my Kubuntu 16.04. with wine I need to run Fallouts executable like this:


or, alternatively, I should "set overrides in winecfg for fallout2.exe" (I am following this guide for fallout 2 & wine:

Can somebody explain to me how I can achieve this with PlayOnLinux?

(Both Fallout 2 and he Restoration Project Patch are already installed - no issues thus far)

Thanks in advance,

the VaultDweller

Tutul Mardi 11 Décembre 2018 à 20:53

You can acces the wine configuration panel with the "configure" button > "wine" tab

Gentils modérateur dans mes bon jours - Attention, à tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas de contact, veuillez immédiatement rincer à l'eau clair. Peut provoquer des sueurs froide !
VaultDweller Mardi 11 Décembre 2018 à 21:40

Hi Tutul,

hm, ok, there (wine configuration) I have some tabs like Applications, Graphics, Libraries and so forth but I have no clue where or how I should set WINEDLLOVERRIDES... ? Although I am neither new to PlayOnLinux, Wine or even Linux I am somewhat at a loss here (feeling like a real n00b smiley).

De toute facon, merci pour ta temps!

Tutul Mercredi 12 Décembre 2018 à 22:35

But for directdraw we've maybe one script (in function) for that

Gentils modérateur dans mes bon jours - Attention, à tenir hors de portée des enfants. En cas de contact, veuillez immédiatement rincer à l'eau clair. Peut provoquer des sueurs froide !

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