
What Distribution do You Use and Why?

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yuresh Mercredi 24 Janvier 2024 à 9:51

So ever since a couple weeks ago when I finally decide that I wanted to move away from Windows to Linux I've been demoing several distributions before finally landing on Garuda, which the only complaint that I really have is that my PC never actually hibernates, which was something Windows did. That being said, games seem to run fine, better than things have before. I plan to use other software but I used to use with Windows before like some of the productivity programs that I have. That being said, I was wondering what distributions you use and why? Is it possible to take a distribution and mod it into a "gaming" distribution? I finally gave into using Garuda because most of the Ubuntu based distributions that I had found had quirky GNOME behavior; Kubuntu was friendly, but sound cut out with games. Linux Mint Debian was cool but I'm still Linux stupid so that didn't last long. But that's besides the point. Anyways, sorry if this is considered a low effort shitpost, was just curious .

Edité par yuresh