Infinity Engine widescreen mod
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ScreenshotsSource code#!/bin/bash # Date : (2012-05-11 13-22) # Last revision : (2012-10-29 02-22) # Wine version used : N/A # Distribution used to test : Debian Sid (Unstable) # Author : Pierre Etchemaite # Script licence : GPL v.2 # Program licence : Retail # Depend : [ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" INSTALLBIN="" TITLE="Infinity Engine widescreen mod" URL="" POL_SetupWindow_Init POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1181 POL_Debug_Init POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "The Gibberlings" "$URL" "Pierre Etchemaite" "$PREFIX" POL_SetupWindow_wait "$(eval_gettext 'Please wait while $TITLE is installed.')" "$TITLE" PREFIXFOUND='' UNPATCHEDFOUND='' DOWNLOADED='' download_mod () { [ -n "$DOWNLOADED" ] && return cd "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp" POL_Download '' "99cee5d4a56d8b470e725aa231f35716" DOWNLOADED=1 } check_install () { local PREFIX="$1" local EXE="$2" local SHORTCUT_NAME="$3" local TITLE="Widescreen mod: $SHORTCUT_NAME" [ "$(POL_Wine_PrefixExists $PREFIX)" = "True" ] || return POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX" local DRIVEC="$WINEPREFIX/drive_c" DIR="$(find $DRIVEC -iname $EXE -print|head -n 1)" [ -n "$DIR" ] && DIR="$(dirname "$DIR")" if [ -z "$DIR" -o ! -d "$DIR" ]; then POL_Debug_Error "$(eval_gettext 'Could not find executable $EXE in virtual disk $PREFIX')" return fi PREFIXFOUND=1 [ -d "$DIR/widescreen" ] && return UNPATCHEDFOUND=1 POL_SetupWindow_question "Patch $SHORTCUT_NAME?" "$TITLE" [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ] || return download_mod unzip "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/$INSTALLBIN" -d "$DIR/" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$(eval_gettext 'Error while installing archive')" CONFIGURATOR_EXTENSION="$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/configurators/$SHORTCUT_NAME.widescreen" cat <<-_EOF_ > "$CONFIGURATOR_EXTENSION" #!/bin/bash cd "$DIR" || exit 1 if [ -e setup-widescreen.exe ]; then POL_SetupWindow_question "\$(eval_gettext 'Run widescreen setup?')" "\$TITLE" if [ "\$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]; then POL_Wine_WaitBefore "\$TITLE" POL_Wine wineconsole setup-widescreen.exe fi fi _EOF_ source "$CONFIGURATOR_EXTENSION" } # check_install PREFIX EXE SHORTCUT_NAME check_install "BaldursGate1_gog" "Baldur.exe" "Baldur's Gate" check_install "BaldursGate2_gog" "BGMain.exe" "Baldur's Gate II" check_install "IcewindDale_gog" "IDMain.exe" "Icewind Dale" check_install "IcewindDale2_gog" "IWD2.exe" "Icewind Dale II" check_install "PlanescapeTorment_gog" "Torment.exe" "Planescape: Torment" # FIXME add more Infinity Engine games here # Potentially supported: # * Baldur's Gate with the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion pack, # * Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion pack, # * Icewind Dale with the Heart of Winter & Trials of the Loremaster expansion pack, # * Icewind Dale II # * Planescape: Torment # In return, their configurators should contain code: # ---------------- # POL_Call POL_Configurator_runparts # ---------------- # in a place where SetupWindow and Debug are already initialized if [ -z "$PREFIXFOUND" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'No supported Infinity Engine game found.')" "$TITLE" elif [ -z "$UNPATCHEDFOUND" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'All supported Infinity Engine games already patched.\nTo modify the screen resolution of a shortcut, use its configurator.')" "$TITLE" fi POL_SetupWindow_Close exit |
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