GOG.com - Bioforge
Creator | Message |
InformationThis installer has been approved by the team. InformationsPlatforms: Feedbacks0 0 DescriptionEnglish: Brought unconscious on a remote moon, you wake up in a cell, transformed... in a cyborg! You can barely remember anything... In the next cell, another blue skin cyborg screams inconsistent gibberish. Ground is shaking more and more violently, could it explain why there's nobody else around?
ScreenshotsSource code#!/bin/bash # Date : (2013-01-23 23-11) # Last revision : (2013-07-10 13-28) # Wine version used : 1.4-dos_support_0.6 # Distribution used to test : Debian Sid (Unstable) # Author : Pierre Etchemaite pe-pol@concept-micro.com # Script licence : GPL v.2 # Program licence : Retail # Depend : [ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" GOGID="bioforge" PREFIX="Bioforge_gog" WORKING_WINE_VERSION="1.4-dos_support_0.6" TITLE="GOG.com - Bioforge" SHORTCUT_NAME="Bioforge" POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE" POL_SetupWindow_Init POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1551 POL_Debug_Init POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Origin Systems / Electronic Arts" "http://www.gog.com/gamecard/$GOGID" "Pierre Etchemaite" "$PREFIX" POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" "e66a6cc107020a8296e4560167a4a333" POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX" POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" POL_Call POL_GoG_install # game expects itself in C:\BIOFORGE mkdir -p "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Bioforge" mv "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/GOG Games/Bioforge/Bioforge/"* "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Bioforge/" cat <<_EOFCFG_ >> "$WINEPREFIX/playonlinux_dos.cfg" dosbox_memsize=16 cpu_core=auto cpu_cputype=auto cpu_cycles=35000 mixer_blocksize=2048 mixer_prebuffer=40 sblaster_sbtype=sb16 sblaster_sbbase=220 sblaster_irq=5 sblaster_dma=1 sblaster_hdma=5 render_aspect=true _EOFCFG_ [ "$POL_OS" = "Linux" ] && echo "render_scaler=hq2x" >> "$WINEPREFIX/playonlinux_dos.cfg" # SB16 Music instead of MPU-401 cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Bioforge" cp INSTALL.OPT INSTALL.OPT.orig && sed -e 's/MusicCardId=./MusicCardId=3/; s/MusicPort=0x.../MusicPort=0x388/' INSTALL.OPT.orig > INSTALL.OPT && cp MUSIC/AILADLIB.DLL AILXMI.DLL POL_Shortcut "BIOFORGE.EXE" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$SHORTCUT_NAME.png" "" "Game;AdventureGame;" POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/GOG Games/Bioforge/BioForge - Manual.pdf" # C:\GOG Games\Bioforge\BioForge - Field Personel File.pdf # C:\GOG Games\Bioforge\BioForge - Reference Card.pdf POL_SetupWindow_Close cat <<_EOF_ > "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/configurators/$SHORTCUT_NAME" #!/bin/bash [ -z "\$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0 source "\$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" export WINEPREFIX="\$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$PREFIX" export WINEDEBUG="-all" POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES cd "\$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Bioforge/" || exit 1 TITLE="$TITLE" POL_Wine INSTALL.EXE exit 0 _EOF_ exit 0 |
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