Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver 2


Creator Message


This installer has been approved by the team.


Downloads: 10763
Wine: System



Action-adventure video game, 3D, 2001. Wikipedia.

Script compatible with installation from DVD or from local source.



Source code

# Date : (2011-07-07 21-00)
# Last revision : see changelog
# Wine version used : 3.0.3
# Distribution used to test : Mint 11 x64
# Author : GNU_Raziel
# Licence : Retail
# Only For : http://www.playonlinux.com
# [GNU_Raziel] (2011-07-07 21-00)
#   First script.
# [Dadu042] (2019-12-21). Not tested because my laptop can't read the disc.
#   Wine v1.2.3 -> 3.0.3:
#   Standardize VMS setup.
#   Standardize shortcut.
#   Standardize cleaning temp.
#   Add POL_RequiredVersion 4.2.12

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
TITLE="Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver 2"
if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Quelle version possédez-vous?"
LNG_DVD="Version DVD"
LNG_DDV="Version Digital Download"
LNG_CHOOSE_DDV="Veuillez selectionner votre executable Digital Download de $TITLE"
LNG_INSERT_MEDIA="Veuillez insérer le disque $TITLE dans votre lecteur\nsi ce n'est pas déja fait."
LNG_WAIT_END="Appuyez sur \"Suivant\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du\njeu sera terminée sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
LNG_INSTALL_ON="Installation en cours..."
LNG_GAME_VMS="La taille de votre mémoire graphique?"
LNG_VMS_ERROR="Ce jeu ne fonctionnera correctement qu'avec une carte graphique ayant plus de\n512Mo de mémoire."
LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE a été installé avec succès."
LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Which version do you have?"
LNG_DVD="DVD Version"
LNG_DDV="Digital Download Version"
LNG_CHOOSE_DDV="Please select your $TITLE Digital Download executable"
LNG_INSERT_MEDIA="Please insert $TITLE media into your disk drive\nif not already done."
LNG_WAIT_END="Click on \"Forward\" ONLY when the game installation is finished\nor you will have to redo the installation."
LNG_INSTALL_ON="Installation in progress..."
LNG_GAME_VMS="How much memory do your graphic card have got?"
LNG_VMS_ERROR="This game will work correctly only with a graphic card with more than\n512Mb of memory."
LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE has been installed successfully."
# Starting the script
rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/*.jpg"
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/soulreaver2/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/soulreaver2/left.jpg" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Crystal Dynamics" "http://www.crystald.com/" "GNU_Raziel" "$PREFIX"

POL_RequiredVersion "4.2.12" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"

select_prefix "$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$PREFIX"
#downloading specific Wine
if [ "$MACHTYPE" == "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" ]; then
        POL_Call POL_Install_wine64b
        POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION"
#Creating prefix 
# Choose between DVD and Digital Download version
POL_SetupWindow_menu "$LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA" "$TITLE" "$LNG_DVD~$LNG_DDV" "~"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$LNG_DVD" ]; then
# Installing mandatory dependencies (To fix some sound issues and for Joystick support), 2011 (Wine 1.2.3).
POL_Call POL_Install_dxfullsetup

#      GPU     #
# Set Graphic Card information keys for wine

# Asking about memory size of graphic card
# Useful for Nvidia GPUs
# POL_Call POL_Install_physx

if [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "DVD" ]; then
        # Asking for CDROM and checking if it's correct one
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_INSERT_MEDIA"
        POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "sr2.exe"
        cd "$WINEPREFIX"/dosdevices
        ln -s "$CDROM" d:
        wine start /unix "$CDROM/autorun.exe"
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$TITLE"
        # Asking then installing DDV of the game
        cd "$HOME"
        POL_SetupWindow_browse "$LNG_CHOOSE_DDV" "$TITLE"
        POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$LNG_INSTALL_ON" "$TITLE"
        wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
        until [ "$INSTALL_ON" == "" ]; do
        sleep 5
        INSTALL_ON=`ps aux | grep "wineserver" | grep -v "grep"`

## Fix for this game
# Sound problem fix - pulseaudio related
POL_Call POL_Function_OverrideDLL "" "mmdevapi"
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundDriver "alsa"
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundEmulDriver "Y"
## End Fix
## Begin Common PlayOnMac Section ##
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] || Set_Managed "Off"
## End Section ##
# Making shortcut

POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_SUCCES" "$TITLE"



Member Message
Dadu042 Saturday 21 December 2019 at 20:49


This update has been approved by the team.


@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
 # Date : (2011-07-07 21-00)
-# Last revision : (2011-07-07 21-00)
-# Wine version used : 1.2.3
+# Last revision : see changelog
+# Wine version used : 3.0.3
 # Distribution used to test : Mint 11 x64
 # Author : GNU_Raziel
 # Licence : Retail
 # Only For : http://www.playonlinux.com
+# [GNU_Raziel] (2011-07-07 21-00)
+#   First script.
+# [Dadu042] (2019-12-21). Not tested because my laptop can't read the disc.
+#   Wine v1.2.3 -> 3.0.3:
+#   Standardize VMS setup.
+#   Standardize shortcut.
+#   Standardize cleaning temp.
+#   Add POL_RequiredVersion 4.2.12
 [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
 TITLE="Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver 2"
 if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
 LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Quelle version possédez-vous?"
 LNG_DVD="Version DVD"
@@ -37,100 +49,99 @@
 LNG_VMS_ERROR="This game will work correctly only with a graphic card with more than\n512Mb of memory."
 LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE has been installed successfully."
 # Starting the script
 rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/*.jpg"
 POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/soulreaver2/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/soulreaver2/left.jpg" "$TITLE"
-POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Crystal Dynamics" "http://www.crystald.com/" "GNU_Raziel" "$PREFIX" 
+POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Crystal Dynamics" "http://www.crystald.com/" "GNU_Raziel" "$PREFIX"
+POL_RequiredVersion "4.2.12" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"
 select_prefix "$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$PREFIX"
 #downloading specific Wine
 if [ "$MACHTYPE" == "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" ]; then
-	POL_Call POL_Install_wine64b
+        POL_Call POL_Install_wine64b
-	POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION"
+        POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION"
 #Creating prefix 
 # Choose between DVD and Digital Download version
 POL_SetupWindow_menu "$LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA" "$TITLE" "$LNG_DVD~$LNG_DDV" "~"
 if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$LNG_DVD" ]; then
-# Installing mandatory dependencies (To fix some sound issues and for Joystick support)
+# Installing mandatory dependencies (To fix some sound issues and for Joystick support), 2011 (Wine 1.2.3).
 POL_Call POL_Install_dxfullsetup
-if [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "DVD" ]; then
-	# Asking for CDROM and checking if it's correct one
-	POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_INSERT_MEDIA"
-	POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
-	POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "sr2.exe"
-	cd "$WINEPREFIX"/dosdevices
-	ln -s "$CDROM" d:
-	wine start /unix "$CDROM/autorun.exe"
-	POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$TITLE"
-	# Asking then installing DDV of the game
-	cd "$HOME"
-	POL_SetupWindow_browse "$LNG_CHOOSE_DDV" "$TITLE"
-	POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$LNG_INSTALL_ON" "$TITLE"
-	wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
-	until [ "$INSTALL_ON" == "" ]; do
-	sleep 5
-	INSTALL_ON=`ps aux | grep "wineserver" | grep -v "grep"`
-	done
-	POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit
+#      GPU     #
+# Set Graphic Card information keys for wine
 # Asking about memory size of graphic card
-POL_SetupWindow_menu_list "$LNG_GAME_VMS" "$TITLE" "64-128-256-320-384-512-640-768-896-1024-1792-2048-3072-4096" "-" "128"
+POL_SetupWindow_VMS $GAME_VMS
+# Useful for Nvidia GPUs
+# POL_Call POL_Install_physx
-cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/"
-cat << EOF > vms.reg
-regedit vms.reg
-if [ "$VMS" -lt "128" ]; then
-	POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_VMS_ERROR" "$TITLE"
+if [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "DVD" ]; then
+        # Asking for CDROM and checking if it's correct one
+        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_INSERT_MEDIA"
+        POL_SetupWindow_cdrom
+        POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "sr2.exe"
+        cd "$WINEPREFIX"/dosdevices
+        ln -s "$CDROM" d:
+        wine start /unix "$CDROM/autorun.exe"
+        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$TITLE"
+        # Asking then installing DDV of the game
+        cd "$HOME"
+        POL_SetupWindow_browse "$LNG_CHOOSE_DDV" "$TITLE"
+        POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$LNG_INSTALL_ON" "$TITLE"
+        wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
+        INSTALL_ON="1"
+        until [ "$INSTALL_ON" == "" ]; do
+        sleep 5
+        INSTALL_ON=`ps aux | grep "wineserver" | grep -v "grep"`
+        done
+        POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit
 ## Fix for this game
 # Sound problem fix - pulseaudio related
 POL_Call POL_Function_OverrideDLL "" "mmdevapi"
 [ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundDriver "alsa"
 [ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundEmulDriver "Y"
 ## End Fix
 ## Begin Common PlayOnMac Section ##
 [ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] || Set_Managed "Off"
 ## End Section ##
-# Cleaning temp
-if [ -e "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" ]; then
-	rm -rf "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/*"
-	chmod -R 777 "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/"
-	rm -rf "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/*"
 # Making shortcut
-POL_SetupWindow_auto_shortcut "$PREFIX" "sr2.exe" "$TITLE" "$TITLE.png" ""
-Set_WineVersion_Assign "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" "$TITLE"
 POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_SUCCES" "$TITLE"
\ No newline at end of file

New source code

# Date : (2011-07-07 21-00)
# Last revision : see changelog
# Wine version used : 3.0.3
# Distribution used to test : Mint 11 x64
# Author : GNU_Raziel
# Licence : Retail
# Only For : http://www.playonlinux.com
# [GNU_Raziel] (2011-07-07 21-00)
#   First script.
# [Dadu042] (2019-12-21). Not tested because my laptop can't read the disc.
#   Wine v1.2.3 -> 3.0.3:
#   Standardize VMS setup.
#   Standardize shortcut.
#   Standardize cleaning temp.
#   Add POL_RequiredVersion 4.2.12

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
TITLE="Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver 2"
if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Quelle version possédez-vous?"
LNG_DVD="Version DVD"
LNG_DDV="Version Digital Download"
LNG_CHOOSE_DDV="Veuillez selectionner votre executable Digital Download de $TITLE"
LNG_INSERT_MEDIA="Veuillez insérer le disque $TITLE dans votre lecteur\nsi ce n'est pas déja fait."
LNG_WAIT_END="Appuyez sur \"Suivant\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du\njeu sera terminée sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
LNG_INSTALL_ON="Installation en cours..."
LNG_GAME_VMS="La taille de votre mémoire graphique?"
LNG_VMS_ERROR="Ce jeu ne fonctionnera correctement qu'avec une carte graphique ayant plus de\n512Mo de mémoire."
LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE a été installé avec succès."
LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA="Which version do you have?"
LNG_DVD="DVD Version"
LNG_DDV="Digital Download Version"
LNG_CHOOSE_DDV="Please select your $TITLE Digital Download executable"
LNG_INSERT_MEDIA="Please insert $TITLE media into your disk drive\nif not already done."
LNG_WAIT_END="Click on \"Forward\" ONLY when the game installation is finished\nor you will have to redo the installation."
LNG_INSTALL_ON="Installation in progress..."
LNG_GAME_VMS="How much memory do your graphic card have got?"
LNG_VMS_ERROR="This game will work correctly only with a graphic card with more than\n512Mb of memory."
LNG_SUCCES="$TITLE has been installed successfully."
# Starting the script
rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/*.jpg"
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/soulreaver2/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/soulreaver2/left.jpg" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Crystal Dynamics" "http://www.crystald.com/" "GNU_Raziel" "$PREFIX"

POL_RequiredVersion "4.2.12" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"

select_prefix "$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$PREFIX"
#downloading specific Wine
if [ "$MACHTYPE" == "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" ]; then
        POL_Call POL_Install_wine64b
        POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION"
#Creating prefix 
# Choose between DVD and Digital Download version
POL_SetupWindow_menu "$LNG_CHOOSE_MEDIA" "$TITLE" "$LNG_DVD~$LNG_DDV" "~"
if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$LNG_DVD" ]; then
# Installing mandatory dependencies (To fix some sound issues and for Joystick support), 2011 (Wine 1.2.3).
POL_Call POL_Install_dxfullsetup

#      GPU     #
# Set Graphic Card information keys for wine

# Asking about memory size of graphic card
# Useful for Nvidia GPUs
# POL_Call POL_Install_physx

if [ "$GAME_MEDIAVERSION" == "DVD" ]; then
        # Asking for CDROM and checking if it's correct one
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_INSERT_MEDIA"
        POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "sr2.exe"
        cd "$WINEPREFIX"/dosdevices
        ln -s "$CDROM" d:
        wine start /unix "$CDROM/autorun.exe"
        POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$TITLE"
        # Asking then installing DDV of the game
        cd "$HOME"
        POL_SetupWindow_browse "$LNG_CHOOSE_DDV" "$TITLE"
        POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$LNG_INSTALL_ON" "$TITLE"
        wine start /unix "$SETUP_EXE"
        until [ "$INSTALL_ON" == "" ]; do
        sleep 5
        INSTALL_ON=`ps aux | grep "wineserver" | grep -v "grep"`

## Fix for this game
# Sound problem fix - pulseaudio related
POL_Call POL_Function_OverrideDLL "" "mmdevapi"
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundDriver "alsa"
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] && Set_SoundEmulDriver "Y"
## End Fix
## Begin Common PlayOnMac Section ##
[ "$PLAYONMAC" == "" ] || Set_Managed "Off"
## End Section ##
# Making shortcut

POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_SUCCES" "$TITLE"


vinson80 Tuesday 7 February 2017 at 3:57
vinson80 Anonymous



I'm having problems running this program. I purchased the game via Steam, installed on PlayonMac, and every time I open it, I get the following error message:

fixme:winediag:start_process Wine Staging 1.8 is a testing version containing experimental patches.

fixme:winediag:start_process Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on winehq.org.

fixme:ntdll:__syscall_NtCreateNamedPipeFile Message mode not supported, falling back to byte mode.

fixme:ntdll:__syscall_NtCreateNamedPipeFile Message mode not supported, falling back to byte mode.

fixme:ntdll:__syscall_NtCreateNamedPipeFile Message mode not supported, falling back to byte mode.

err:module:import_dll Library BINKW32.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\sr2.exe") not found

err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\sr2.exe" failed, status c0000135


Can anyone help me troubleshoot? I'm at a loss.

Thank you!



lumo95nxt Thursday 3 September 2015 at 17:56
lumo95nxt Anonymous



I have a problem running Soul Reaver 2 installed from DVD.

When I start the game it complains that DirectX 8 isn't installed; but the installation wizard by GNU_Raziel should have installed that. Further, I haven't installed the directX version provided in the DVD.

The specs:

Debian 7 64 bit , wine 1.2.3 (the one of the wizard)
playonlinux version 4.1.1 from Debian repo
Ati mobility radeon hd 4650 with amd catalyst driver legacy (latest version 13.1)
Intel Core Duo Centrino T6400 2Ghz

And the debugger log (installation and start of the game)

[09/03/15 15:23:55] - Running wine-1.2.3 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles%
[09/03/15 15:24:10] - Running wine-1.2.3 start /unix dxfullsetup/dxsetup.exe /silent
fixme:mscoree:GetCORVersion (0x33f608, 600, 0x33f5e4): semi-stub!
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ee4c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:GetCORVersion (0x33d860, 600, 0x33d83c): semi-stub!
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:GetCORVersion (0x33cff0, 600, 0x33cfcc): semi-stub!
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33ec8c): semi-stub
fixme:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim (0x8932b0 L"fusion.dll", (nil), (nil), 0x33f144): semi-stub
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
err:setupapi:do_file_copyW Unsupported style(s) 0x144
[09/03/15 15:24:44] - Running wine-1.2.3 regedit /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg
[09/03/15 15:24:44] - Content of /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg
"*d3dx9_24"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_25"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_26"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_27"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_28"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_29"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_30"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_31"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_32"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_33"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_34"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_35"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_36"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_37"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_38"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_39"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_40"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_42"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_42"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx9_43"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_33"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_34"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_35"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_36"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_37"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_38"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_39"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_40"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_41"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_42"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx10_43"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx11_42"="native, builtin"
"*d3dx11_43"="native, builtin"
"*xinput1_1"="native, builtin"
"*xinput1_2"="native, builtin"
"*xinput1_3"="native, builtin"
"*xinput9_1_0"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_33"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_34"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_35"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_36"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_37"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_38"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_39"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_40"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_41"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_42"="native, builtin"
"*d3dcompiler_43"="native, builtin"
[09/03/15 15:24:47] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_0.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_0.dll
[09/03/15 15:24:52] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_10.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_10.dll
[09/03/15 15:24:54] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_1.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_1.dll
[09/03/15 15:24:56] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_2.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_2.dll
[09/03/15 15:24:58] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_3.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_3.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:00] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_4.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_4.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:01] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_5.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_5.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:03] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_6.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_6.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:05] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_7.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_7.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:06] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_8.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_8.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:09] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine2_9.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine2_9.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:11] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_0.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_0.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:13] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_1.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_1.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:15] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_2.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_2.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:17] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_3.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_3.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:18] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_4.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_4.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:20] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_5.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_5.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:22] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_6.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_6.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:23] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 xactengine3_7.dll
Successfully registered DLL xactengine3_7.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:25] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_0.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_0.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:26] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_1.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_1.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:28] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_2.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_2.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:30] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_3.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_3.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:32] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_4.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_4.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:33] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_5.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_5.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:35] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_6.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_6.dll
[09/03/15 15:25:36] - Running wine-1.2.3 regsvr32 XAudio2_7.dll
Successfully registered DLL XAudio2_7.dll
[09/03/15 15:36:31] - Running wine-1.2.3 regedit /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg
[09/03/15 15:36:31] - Content of /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg
[09/03/15 15:36:31] - Running wine-1.2.3 regedit /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg
[09/03/15 15:36:31] - Content of /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg
[09/03/15 15:36:31] - Running wine-1.2.3 regedit /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg
[09/03/15 15:36:31] - Content of /home/emalume/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg
[09/03/15 15:38:26] - Running wine-1.2.3 sr2.exe
Direct3D8 is not available without OpenGL.

Thank you.


Monday 14 September 2015 at 22:18
I have to correct information.
Monday 14 September 2015 at 22:19
This wizard works. The problem I had was a missing 32bit library.
See in the wiki about graphic cards drivers.

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