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just a few questions

just wondering if these games work on this.

Author Replies
grimmaster Sunday 29 August 2010 at 4:51

Well first off I am still learning ubuntu 10.04 w/ kernal Linux 2.6.32-24-generic and Gnome 2.30.2

ok so thats what im running if need be i will post a system diag.

well the question is, will these games work? they are windows games and well..Windows hates me.

The Sims 3 (cd or .iso based)
Allods (download mmorpg)

If anyone has any good or bad news please let me know.
unewbie Monday 30 August 2010 at 0:18

I am very new to playonlinux. But i looked around, and it seems you won't have any luck with allods. The Sims 3 *should* work. Since it is on the list of apps in playonlinux (open up playonlinux, click install and look for the Sims 3)
Aymeric P. Thursday 2 September 2010 at 11:29
Aymeric P.


For allods the appdb on WineHQ website say garbage.
This seem to be due to Starforce protection.

Former member.
Salvatos Thursday 2 September 2010 at 13:21

Yeah, I had a look as well (forgot to post back), and as for most free MMOs, it's the anti-hack system that blocks Ubuntu (and probably virtual machines).

Disclaimer: I'm a noob, not a dev; my advice is only a guess.
Attention : Je suis aussi noob que vous, prenez mes suggestions avec un grain de sel ;)

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