
Error: File association path

error with spaces on the path of the file

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luiscuadrado123 Mercredi 19 Novembre 2014 à 21:19


I am using POL and i want to asociate an extension (.dwg for Autocad) to my Autocad installed on POL. But when i try to open with POL a dwg file, a lot of error appears, an error for every space on folders names!
For example, if i try to load file on my /root/download/mis files/opcion 1/file.dwg
i get 2 erros.
I suposed that adding a " at the start and in the end of the route could solve the problem..
I am using PUPPY LINUX, 
version: TahrPup6.0 + LXDE desktop
file manager: PCManFM 1.2.1 
i think that a few years ago, in Xubuntu SO, i did't have this problem... i used to asociate .docx files to Microsoft Office and it worked fine in Xubuntu.
any idea how to solve this problem?