
User editable texts are unreadable in POL Menus

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aldi Mercredi 28 Aoüt 2019 à 16:16

Hello team,


when using PlayOnLinux I made the experience, that in menus all user changable texts are almost not shown.


For entries with pulldown menus, this menu shows the current selection highlighted. Freetext entries may only be read, when cutting and pasting the text into an editor.This is especially tedious, when filling the name of a new vitual drive and you don't see what you are typing.


In the screenshot you see the open pullldown menu for the "Virtual Drive" and the unreadable "Name" and "Wine-Version". I've added red boxes around the unreadable texts.


( )



I tested this with two different Computers, of which I show the relevant data below.





Computer (a)
Linux version:    
    Linux Lite 4.4 LTS
POL version:    
    4.3.4 (with 4.2.12 the same behaviour)
     Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 V2 @ 3.30GHz
    1 physical processor; 4 cores; 8 threads
     8111172 KiB
    Hewlett-Packard 1790
    AMD Turks (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.15.0-58-generic, LLVM 8.0.0)
    The X.Org Foundation


Computer (b)
Linux version:
    Linux Lite 4.4 LTS
POL version:
     Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3,20GHz
    1 physical processor; 4 cores; 4 threads
     8112060 KiB
    Hewlett-Packard 3396

    The X.Org Foundation

Edité par Dadu042

Dadu042 Mercredi 28 Aoüt 2019 à 20:24

Strange issue frown. Please can you give us the OS and versions installed in computers ?

aldi Jeudi 29 Aoüt 2019 à 9:32


Please can you give us the OS and versions installed in computers ?

Didn't I already? OS is in both cases Linux Lite 4.4 LTS (which is derived from ubuntu bionic) and I was first using PlayOnLinux Version 4.2.12, which on Computer (a) I have updated to 4.3.4 without change of that issue.  

For further information I made hardinfo_reports for both computers, including the running kernel versions, which you may download her, if you find it useful:



Dadu042 Mercredi 4 September 2019 à 16:59

I looked at the your hardware infos. However I can't understand what is the issue. I suggest you to search on 'Linux Lite' forums, because I never saw such issue yet.

kodos Samedi 21 September 2019 à 18:43

I have the same issue but not that bad as OP

The fonst does not scale/fit into the field and is cut off and it is there for a long time now (saw first in Mint 17.3) and depends on the theme used and general settings for fonts

puppystick Vendredi 4 Octobre 2019 à 9:43

Hi :-) Just to add that I'm having the same issues, but worse than previously. At present (very new beginner on) Arch/Mate ... unable to type in a game name for manual install. Playonlinux version is  4.3.4, from the arch repo. If you need any further information, just let me know.

EDIT: just to add that I tested with a different theme, and was able to type in a game name. Half the text showed, but enough to be able to succeed. The previous theme had been Adapta gtk. Testing with inbuilt Mate GreenSubmarine.

Edité par puppystick

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