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SSL problem with Darkfall Unholy Wars

Author Replies
draziw Friday 21 June 2013 at 5:29

Hello! I hope everyone here is having a great day. I really appreciate the service you provide, and I'm pleased to have discovered such a comprehensive support system online. 

The problem that I'm having is as follows:

After successfully installing Darkfall Unholy Wars, which is an online MMORPG, I am presented with a login screen where certain information is missing. The news feed is blank, and the update bar is blank as the client isn't able to connect to the login server. In red text, embedded in the body of the launcher window, is an error message which reads, "Error Establishing SSL Session". From what I could tell, this is not an issue that other users are experiencing. I couldn't find anyone with a similar problem on the Darkfall forums, so I determined there must be some sort of issue with the wine authenticating the SSL.

Here are my system specs:
Macbook; OSX 10.6.8
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4GB Ram
10 mb/s DSL

-Playonmac is the newest release
-I have tested on the most recent wine version (1.6-rc2), along with 1.5.28 and 1.5.18 for troubleshooting purposes. 
-I've installed the following components for troubleshooting: I.E, wininet, wintrust.
-For trouble shooting purposes, I've tried adding ovverides to the crypt32 library,schannel, secur32,security,inetcpl.cpl, and inetcomm. Many of these decisions have been fairly random in a last ditch effort to solve the problem.

So, I'm hoping that someone would be able to help me solve this SSL problem. Has anyone else had a problem using application with SSL implementations in Wine? Are there any easy fixes? Or is this a known bug or limitation of Wine?

Thank you very much for your time and help.

Edited by draziw

draziw Friday 5 July 2013 at 10:32

Hello again!

So it's been a couple of weeks now and I'm just wondering if anyone had some input. TL:DR= What's the status with SSL? Does it work? Seems to be a fairly widely used protocol, so I'm surprised to not see anyone else reporting similar problems.

Ronin DUSETTE Saturday 6 July 2013 at 3:02

so, we need the debug output, as per the stickies and rules of the forum, otherwise we cannot see anything.

Also, what is your graphics card? Graphics card drivers?

This is a manual install, so there is no answer. Just troubleshooting to find out what the game needs, and hopefully it can be provided.

o it's been a couple of weeks now and I'm just wondering if anyone had some input. TL


Incomplete information would cause this. :) hahaha

You have probably already messed up the install, so we need to start from the beginning, and go from there. Delete your virtual drive, try to install the game, and post up all of the debug output as per the sticky at the top of the forum. We can troubleshoot from there, and hopefully get it running (and hopefully get a script for it).

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draziw Monday 15 July 2013 at 18:31

Hi DjYoshaBYD,

Thanks for replying to my post. I'm sorry I didn't post the debug text earlier. I can see how that can be annoying, as the instructions on doing so are stickied on the top of the forum with a big "READ FIRST" sign :) . Just to clarify, the red error message that I'm seeing is embedded in the game client itself; this is not a a direct failure of the wine or playonmac client which is why I didn't think the debug report would be helpful. It just seems like the game is having trouble connecting to the game server because the virtual environment is having a problem facilitating an SSL connection. 

I tried a new install and I'm having the same issue. I'm using a nvidia 320m with whatever drivers snow leopard uses as default. Is there any way to know the details of the mac nvidia drivers? 

One question I have that isn't specific to my problem in particular and I was hoping you could answer is what follows: are there any known issues with WINE and SSL?

Thanks again for your help, and I'll try to follow instructions better next time!

Here is the belated debug text:

[07/15/13 12:17:27] - Running wine-1.6-rc5 --version (Working directory : /Users/Theo/Library/PlayOnMac)

PlayOnMac logfile
Date: 07/15/13 12:17:27

> PlayOnMac Version
> uname -a
Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
> lsb_release -a

> wine --version
> Distribution
Snow Leopard 10.6.8 (10.8.0)
> glxinfo \\| grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \\| grep renderer
OpenGL renderer string: NVIDIA GeForce 320M OpenGL Engine
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)

[07/15/13 12:17:48] - Running wine-1.6-rc5 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /Users/Theo/Library/PlayOnMac)
C:\\Program Files

[07/15/13 12:18:26] - Running wine-1.6-rc5 /Users/Theo/Downloads/DFUW_2.1.0.8.exe (Working directory : /)
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (1): stub
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (1): stub
fixme:win:DisableProcessWindowsGhosting : stub
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c057 00000001
fixme:shell:SHAutoComplete stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100c8 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100c8 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100bc enable 0: stub!
fixme:sfc:SfcIsFileProtected (0x0, L"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Darkfall Unholy Wars\\\\unins000.exe") stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100bc enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:richedit:ME_HandleMessage ECO_NOHIDESEL not implemented yet!

Edited by draziw

draziw Monday 15 July 2013 at 18:31

(This was a double post... must've lagged out, sorry)

Edited by draziw

Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 18:52

Try to install winbind by installing Samba from here:

After you do that, delete your virtual drive for this game, create a new one with a 32 bit prefix, and try to install again with NOTHING ELSE ADDED. Then post the debug output, and hopefully it will tell us what we need. Im willing to be you dont have samba/winbind, though, and that will cause issues.

Give that a shot and let us know.

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Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 18:54

I tried a new install and I'm having the same issue. I'm using a nvidia 320m with whatever drivers snow leopard uses as default. Is there any way to know the details of the mac nvidia drivers?


Simply go to Nvidia's website, download the current drivers for that card, and install them. Then at least you will know they are up to date and working. Do this before reinstalling the game in a FRESH virtual drive.

Remember; if installs get messed up (especially during testing), its best to keep notes on the side, and simply delete the virtual drive and try again. Installing and uninstalling components isnt like it is in Windows, and will probably cause issues.

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draziw Monday 15 July 2013 at 19:51

Thanks for your response, DJYoshaBYD.

I tried to install SAMBA, and I've been having some trouble getting the service started. Could this be because my operating system is Snow Leopard and not Lion? I think during the installation I might've clicked "Deny" for whatever incoming connection was needed, but I have since experimented turning off firewall and adding exception to no avail.

Is there anything I can type in to the terminal to check whether or not SAMBA is active?

Also, I went to the nvidia website and it seems like there haven't been any updates for my 300 series drivers. That's pretty awesome that NVIDIA is offering support for macs now, though.

Thanks so much for your help!

Here is the debug file after I (most likely unsuccessfully installed SAMBA):
[07/15/13 13:35:45] - Running wine- --version (Working directory : /Users/Theo/Library/PlayOnMac)

PlayOnMac logfile
Date: 07/15/13 13:35:45

> PlayOnMac Version
> uname -a
Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
> lsb_release -a

> wine --version

> Distribution
Snow Leopard 10.6.8 (10.8.0)
> glxinfo \\| grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \\| grep renderer
OpenGL renderer string: NVIDIA GeForce 320M OpenGL Engine
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)

[07/15/13 13:35:45] - This is a 32bits prefix!
[07/15/13 13:35:48] - Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /Users/Theo/Library/PlayOnMac)
C:\\Program Files

[07/15/13 13:36:13] - Running wine- /Users/Theo/Downloads/DFUW_2.1.0.8.exe (Working directory : /)
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (1): stub
fixme:process:SetProcessDEPPolicy (1): stub
fixme:win:DisableProcessWindowsGhosting : stub
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c055 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c055 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c055 00000001
fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilter c055 00000001
fixme:shell:SHAutoComplete stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100be enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b2 enable 0: stub!
fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Darkfall Unholy Wars\\\\data" 1 4 0x0 0x0 0x172720 0x0
fixme:sfc:SfcIsFileProtected (0x0, L"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Darkfall Unholy Wars\\\\unins000.exe") stub
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b2 enable -1: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable 0: stub!
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x100b4 enable -1: stub!
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:richedit:ME_HandleMessage ECO_NOHIDESEL not implemented yet!
[07/15/13 13:49:15] - Running wine- DFUWLobby.exe (Working directory : /Users/Theo/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/DarkfallDebug2/drive_c/Program Files/Darkfall Unholy Wars)
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 20:49

I tried to install SAMBA, and I've been having some trouble getting the service started.


Did you restart the system after installing it?

Whats odd, is that I do not see any errors in there at all, so Im not sure whats going on.

Are you using the default wine version? If so, go to PlayOnMac -> Tools -> Manage wine versions, and install a couple of different versions of Wine to try, like 1.6-rc5 and 1.4.1, and try those in your virtual drive.

You also need to make sure that you have curl installed in your system, otherwise network stuff can fail.

So, for all of the internet stuff, you will need curl and samba (because of winbind) installed directly to your OSX system, and the following components installed in the games virtual drive:


Now, I am really just guessing, as its not giving me any errors to work with, but if curl is missing, as well as those others, this can happen.

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Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 20:54

I have tested on the most recent wine version (1.6-rc2), along with 1.5.28 and 1.5.18 for troubleshooting purposes.


Sorry, forgot about that. But still, its good to try different wine versions, but Im really starting to think its curl.

Do this to check:

PlayOnMac -> Tools -> PlayOnMac console

and type the following in the command prompt that comes up:

env | grep curl

It should say something like "POM_CURL=curl" or something like that if its installed.

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draziw Monday 15 July 2013 at 21:15

After typing in the string you suggested, "POL_CURL=curl" was returned. I installed IE 6 successfully, but gecko and wininet seemed to install suspiciously fast. I'm not sure if maybe something went wrong there?

If other applications that use SSL aren't having problems being run in wine, I wonder if maybe this game implemented something to make it incompatible with wine?

Whatever the issue is, I really appreciate all of your help.
Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 21:36

No that is fine. gecko and probably the package for wininet were already downloaded in ~/.PlayOnLinux/resources/, so they dont need to download.

Really, it should give you the connection, but its not giving any debug output that we can use.

With that said, It may require more stuff. I mean, have you installed at least vcrun2008? Im sure it would need that. Doing some searching online, everyone is having this problem with this game through wine, so its not just you. :)

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Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 21:52

See if this works:

Make sure you have ie6 installed in the virtual drive, and run ie6 in that virtual drive.

When it comes up, go to tools -> internet options (i think), and set SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 is enabled.

See if that helps.

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Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 21:56

Also, it seems as though a bug for SSL issues in wine (specifically with wininet) was fixed in 1.5.17. That may be worth a shot, too. Im still looking.

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Ronin DUSETTE Monday 15 July 2013 at 22:01

and if none of that works, try this:

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draziw Tuesday 16 July 2013 at 3:19

Those are some good ideas. Thanks for looking in to this so thoroughly for me. 1.5.17 didn't seem to effect the issue, and I couldn't find the SSL options in ie 6, but maybe if I reinstall i.e 6 via an external download I'll be more successful.

I'll need to take my time going over the last option you posted as I haven't compiled anything before, but I will report back if I have success.

Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 16 July 2013 at 3:31

Word. Let me know what you find. If you follow the compile instructions, its really SUPER easy.

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