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League of Legends on Debian Wheezy

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pelinho Monday 29 July 2013 at 0:43

Hi everyone!
I use wheezy x64 with 9800GT and Amd 6000+. I installed LeagueofLegends from PlayonLinux testing and have these bugs:

I use 1.5.24-leagueoflegends:
"VideoDescription"="NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT"

Edited by pelinho

petch Monday 29 July 2013 at 0:49

pelinho Monday 29 July 2013 at 1:27

Using nVidia proprietary drivers?

Quote from petch

I was using the 304.88 and it was doing it. Now i use 319.32-1 and it's doing it again. And it was doing it and on other OSes like gentoo.

Edited by pelinho

petch Monday 29 July 2013 at 18:37

Do you get the same artifacts with other games?
Because with proprietary drivers, my next hypothesis would be broken hardware...
pelinho Monday 29 July 2013 at 18:39

No hardware is ok. Other games work fine. Only in leagueoflegends i have this bug.
petch Monday 29 July 2013 at 18:55

Did it work before you tweaked the settings?
pelinho Monday 29 July 2013 at 20:49

Yes. The same error...
petch Monday 29 July 2013 at 23:46

Sid amd64 here, nVidia GeForce G102M 512MB, proprietary driver 319.32, an no such issue, strange...
pelinho Tuesday 30 July 2013 at 20:49

You. I have this problem. And in all OSes except when i was using win7 which worked fine when i tried it (before 1 year). In linux OSes(ubuntu,debian,gentoo,arch...) it's doing it again since last year but never reported it.

Edited by pelinho

petch Tuesday 30 July 2013 at 20:54

If you could borrow another nVidia card, I think that's the only way to rule out a hardware issue...
Ronin DUSETTE Tuesday 30 July 2013 at 20:57

Also, the Nvidia 9800 GTs have 1 GB of RAM at least, so thats looking wrong to me.

I agree with Petch; need to try another card to test.

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pelinho Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 0:41

What about that?
(uses 3.3 opengl version)

Guys i can't borrow another card(anyway i'll never find one...). The game worked fine in win7. Only in linux i have this bug. If it was a hardware issue i'd have the same problem with win7.

Edited by pelinho

petch Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 1:00

Not necessarily, even if I obviously considered that argument.

And I don't understand the point you're trying to make with your links, do you mean the problem could be OpenGL 3.3?
Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 1:26

Post up the FULL debug output from POL, as well as all of your computer specs. Lets start going through stuff and see whats going on. Im really thinking its a driver issue/conflict on your syste, or there are some missing packages causing this. We will only know if you post up the full debug output (The whole thing, complete with DECLARE statements) and computer specs, as per forum rules. This will give us a wealth of info.

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pelinho Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 2:05

Not necessarily, even if I obviously considered that argument.

And I don't understand the point you're trying to make with your links, do you mean the problem could be OpenGL 3.3?

Quote from petch

I don't know i'm just saying... I posted the links because he was saying that usually 9800GT is 1GB...

Post up the FULL debug output from POL, as well as all of your computer specs. Lets start going through stuff and see whats going on. Im really thinking its a driver issue/conflict on your syste, or there are some missing packages causing this. We will only know if you post up the full debug output (The whole thing, complete with DECLARE statements) and computer specs, as per forum rules. This will give us a wealth of info.

Quote from DJYoshaBYD

How can i do a full debug output from POL???
That's ok? : 

My specs are: 300GB 7200RPM, asus m2a-vm, 9800GT 512MB, 4GB RAM 667mhz, 650 watt and an AMD 6000+ 3,00ghz X2

Edited by pelinho

Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 2:13

I just looked it up, and apparently they do make those in a 512, which is odd.

Here is how to get the debug output, BUT BEFORE YOU DO IT, delete the virtual drive for LoL, and lets reinstall it again, from the script (POL -> Install button -> choose LOL and install).

THEN, post up the debug output using the info here:

Make sure you copy as much as possible from the installation log/debug log. If it wont let you copy it in that window, you can click Locate this Logfile, and open it up and copy from there. Just remember to get the INSTALL log, not the virtual drive log, as this will give us a lot of specs about your system.

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pelinho Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 2:26

I just looked it up, and apparently they do make those in a 512, which is odd.

Here is how to get the debug output, BUT BEFORE YOU DO IT, delete the virtual drive for LoL, and lets reinstall it again, from the script (POL -> Install button -> choose LOL and install).

THEN, post up the debug output using the info here:

Make sure you copy as much as possible from the installation log/debug log. If it wont let you copy it in that window, you can click Locate this Logfile, and open it up and copy from there. Just remember to get the INSTALL log, not the virtual drive log, as this will give us a lot of specs about your system.

Quote from DJYoshaBYD

I don't undestand the part with debug.
Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 2:33

Lol. Really? There are pictures and everything. Did you go to that link?

Do exactly as it says, and just make sure you select the logfile from Install Scripts in the debug window. If you follow those instructions, you will get to the correct part. Just make sure that you delete the virtual drive and try to install again first before getting the debug output.

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pelinho Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 10:53

Ok. Is that right? :
petch Wednesday 31 July 2013 at 13:01

No problem in the install log, as far as I can see

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