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Languages Flags

Author Replies
dlzerocool Wednesday 7 November 2007 at 0:28

Hello there,

At moment the language is selectable by using the flags on the right.
But I think they are really misplaced, Google ads are just under them and that make them link
to Google ads.

Perhaps you should move this selection to the top, with bigger flags pictures and perhaps
with the possibility to see which one is selected at moment.

Well this is just some ideas about the little flags and perhaps you don't care about it,
but I think they are the ticket to introduce POL to English people.

At moment POL is known as a French tool, and it will take time to remove this from minds.

So make it BIGGER so everyone who will come to this web site, will see OH COOL it's in my native language too !!

That's what I think, but you can just pass over, if I'm wrong.


Hope to see more and more people using and helping the community POL.

Da Silva Yvan.

Drum & Bass - Dev - Beer and more... What else ?
dlzerocool Wednesday 7 November 2007 at 0:29

The best deal would be to place them right to the penguin.

Drum & Bass - Dev - Beer and more... What else ?
Pedroth Thursday 8 November 2007 at 13:25

Funny: that's exactly what I suggested, I find that too narrow to strike the eye. Maybe a simple line or more space between the flags and the Google ads could do it ?
ryousuke Thursday 8 November 2007 at 14:06

The thing is, the main forum menu is the one on top, and the language flags are not in this section. But if the flags are bigger, it'll be easy to switch between english and french. Well that's just an idea.
Ghostofkendo Sunday 11 November 2007 at 1:02

Perhaps you should move this selection to the top, with bigger flags pictures and perhaps
with the possibility to see which one is selected at moment.

Quote from dlzerocool

I agree at least with the idea of bigger flags and the possibility to see which one is selected.
Google ads didn't annoy me until now (normal with firefox and adblock plus ).

Pedroth Sunday 11 November 2007 at 19:04

Adblock: great tool, but that means you can't click on ads... which can help a bit
Shai Sunday 11 November 2007 at 20:54

I often use flags, I think they are easy to use.

Edited by goku

la boite à BI.
(tu le changes je mord)
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