scorpa1 |
Mercredi 4 Juillet 2012 à 20:16
Hello, yesterday I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my brand new Acer Aspire 5749 (i3 Sandybridge with Intel HD3000). I also installed PlayOnLinux,because i wanted to test, how smooth League of Legends can run with Wine and the HD3000 graphics. I have an Desktop machine too, so theres no need to play LoL on the netbook, but maybe there will be a situation, where I want to play LoL on the netbook. The setup was succesfull on the first try and the works very well (except the store, but I dont need it). The problem is: When I start a agme, the loading screen appears, but the splash arts of some champs are missing, as well as any summonerspell icon and all fonts. When the game starts, i can play jsut fine, except that almost every textures appears to be missing. The HUD works well, except the minimapbackground and any icon for items, skills or champions. On the battlefield i can only see healthbars and outlines of champs, that i hover with my mouse. I did some research, and i found the same problem in the troubleshooting section int the wiki.  Too bad, that all the solution wont work for me. Anti-aliasing shouldnt be the problem, because its not activated by default with wine (isnt it?). I tested with lowest settings and i even re-installed etc... As LoL seems to be working with other playonlinux-users and hd3000-users, I'm not, what the problem could be. I didnt installed any drivers for the HD3000, because i red, the kernel supports it by default. I also played WC3 on playonlinux successfully as well as cube2 (nativly). I hope, I described by problem good enough and I would be very happy, if anyone could help me with this issue. scorpa1 EDIT: Here a screenshot EDIT2: Shop works, just a little bit slow :) (but that isnt the problem anyway) Edité par scorpa1
petch |
Mercredi 4 Juillet 2012 à 20:42
Hi, Your video driver may be lacking S3TC feature, try installing libtxc-dxtn0 ( has a 32 bits version for 64 bits arch:, not sure about Ubuntu) Edité par petch
scorpa1 |
Mercredi 4 Juillet 2012 à 21:26
thank you for the reply, but unforunatly, it didnt solve the problem :/
scorpa1 |
Mercredi 25 Juillet 2012 à 23:55
has noone any ideas? :(
tinc |
Lundi 13 Aoüt 2012 à 17:08
Hey, I had the same problem on my Packard-Bell EasyNote TE (i5 3rd Gen. with HD4000), running Ubuntu 12.04 64bit. The problem seems to be driver related. I heard that some people could fix their problem by installing 3rd party video drivers. But for me that didn't work. I managed to get it running yesterday using the xorg-edgers ppa. However, if You are not familiar with Linux, i strongly advise u NOT to do this, since the package is very experimental and unstable. In addition its latest release causes Ubuntu 12.04 not to show any icons anymore. I noticed that too late, had to undo the process using ppa-purge, and accidentaly removed playonlinux during the process. I'm currently trying to get lol running using x-updates and will tell u later if i find a solution. Edité par tinc
Mercredi 22 Aoüt 2012 à 20:57
Hey, same problem here, I tried installing both S3TC (from the ubuntu repositories) and x-updates from a ppa provided in their page. Still not work. I managed to get the 40 fps only so see fast-moving dark figures... Anybody has any other idea?
sebastian |
Samedi 25 Aoüt 2012 à 6:50
I too have this issue. I was trying to get my FPS thing I noticed quite a few people responded to my thread so I went to update the game only to find the same as you. Menu looks fine. Upon loading some character art is mising and no text/font with names or anything is showing. In game - Hud and menu works, map partially works for turrets and big green or red dots for enemies, but the rest of the map is black. Every character and minion is a silluoute and shadow. I run linux mint 13 64bit. i5 processor intel hd graphics 4gb ddr3 ram. Game runs fine in windows, but i was experiencing 9-12 fps in linux. Any help would be appreciative. I hate booting to windows, but ive been doing it soley because im rather addicted to LoL lately. Edité par sebastian
petch |
Samedi 25 Aoüt 2012 à 7:27
My bad, you need the 32bit version of this lib compiled for amd64, which is not above link (it's the standard 64bit version). I came up with the wrong page because the correct one seems to have disappeared... On multiarch systems you can install libtxc-dxtn0:i386, but other than that I don't know what can be done anymore :/
Samedi 25 Aoüt 2012 à 19:04
Guys! I installed the precompiled 32 lib of the library mentioned by petch and it worked!
I got it from here:
Is the one (use under your own responsibility.)
I could see the text and images in-game, so it seems to work all-good.
Just in case, I also have the x-upgrade package installed, and I have uninstalled all of the other libtxc here mentioned that I have installed (including the one that I have installed with synaptic).
Hope it work for you too! MLTN
sebastian |
Dimanche 26 Aoüt 2012 à 8:49
I confirm that MLTN's link works. I used the amd.deb one and i can see again. The only issue i face with that is it seems dark now like the brightness isnt up. Its still playable, but not like it should be.
I am still facing FPS issues though, ill head back to my own thread for that.
petch |
Dimanche 26 Aoüt 2012 à 11:38
Ok, it's a more or less universal way of fixing the lack of S3TC, but it's by no mean the most efficient: it makes your CPU do the work, when most videocards implement this algorithm already and all what's missing is support in the video driver. It's obviously more efficient to assign the work to dedicated circuits in your videocard (or chip), but you need specific instructions for each driver. For example if you're using Mesa (Intel owners for example), setting the environment variable force_s3tc_enable=true is supposed to be sufficient: If you find a solution for other drivers, feel free to contribute.
scorpa1 |
Jeudi 6 September 2012 à 1:27
Hey. I'm a noob, so dont know where to place the force_s3tc_enable=true to work probably. Can someone tell me please? :)
tougheart |
Lundi 10 September 2012 à 11:11
I guess you just type it in the terminal, nothing fancy (please guys correct me if I'm wrong)
petch |
Lundi 10 September 2012 à 20:10
force_s3tc_enable=true playonlinux
or export force_s3tc_enable=true playonlinux
If it works, you can add export force_s3tc_enable=true
Into your ~/.profile file to have it every time you login (and then you can use playonlinux as you always did). Edité par petch
meumelil |
Jeudi 20 September 2012 à 14:52
i'm a new user :D
almost everthing works fine but i have the same problem as sebastian: brightness is too low.
I guess i must have something to do with the driver: Got the same problem with Rayman Origins: Dark Graphics
atilexD |
Lundi 24 September 2012 à 9:04
Hi, I'm trying to set force_s3tc_enable=true, but when I'm runing playonlinux on the terminal I'm getting this:
ATTENTION: option value of option force_s3tc_enable ignored.
Can someone help me please?
petch |
Mercredi 23 Janvier 2013 à 13:27
(Also check )