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"Wine seems to have crashed" after trying to configure wine

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TankaKuma Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 20:04

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

POL version: 4.3.4

8 Gib of RAM, Intel core i3-4330 3.50Ghz x 2, NVIDIA GTX 650ti

I am not shure where is problem. I tryed to install Hearthstone and everything went well but when I runned it nothing happened. I watched few videos about it and in one of them recommended to change something in wine settings. I discovered that I have this error:

Error in POL_Wine
Wine seems to have crashed

If your program is running, just ignore this message

Play on Linux debugger give me this:

[05/15/19 21:01:01] - Running wine-1.9.18 winecfg (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000004 at address 0x7e499891 (thread 0009), starting debugger...
winedbg: Internal crash at 0x7e6aa891

This information I take from console while running the game: 

[POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for Launcher.exe
[POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.9.18 Launcher.exe (Working directory : /home/tanaka/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/hearthstone/drive_c/Program Files/
[POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See
[POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
[POL_DetectVideoCards] Message: Gettings GPU informations
[POL_LoadVar_Device] Message: VendorID : 10de
[POL_LoadVar_Device] Message: DeviceID : 11c6
[POL_Website_GET] Message: GET

Redirecting output to ‘wget-log.8’.
wine: Call from 0x7b43fd22 to unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.__uncaught_exceptions, aborting
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000004 at address 0x7e83d891 (thread 00a6), starting debugger...

 I used wine before it but without POL and it work well. 

Edited by TankaKuma

Dadu042 Thursday 16 May 2019 at 10:47

There was a lot of submitted scripts updates since the approved script you use :

# Date : 2014-02-08 14:54
# Last revision : 2016-08-07 13:41
# Wine version used : 1.9.16
# Distribution used to test : Ubuntu 13.10 x64, Debian Jessie, Arch Linux
# Author : kweepeer2, m1kc (+ contributions by many others, thanks!)


I approved a more recent script that seems OK to me. Please report the result (uninstall current game Hearthstone then refresh your POL games database before to reinstall Hearthstone).

New script approved by me :

#!/usr/bin/env playonlinux-bash
# Date : 2014-02-08 14:54
# Last revision : 2018-01-27 22:32
# Wine version used : 2.19-staging
# Distribution used to test : Ubuntu 13.10 x64, Ubuntu 14.04 x64, Ubuntu 16.04 x64, Debian Jessie, Arch Linux
# Author : kweepeer2, m1kc (+ contributions by many others, thanks!)
# Depend :
# NOTE! From Options -> Game Settings -> Additional Command Line Arguments (for Hearthstone), write: -force-d3d9


Edited by Dadu042

TankaKuma Thursday 16 May 2019 at 15:48

It still didn't work. It I take from console: 

[POL_DetectVideoCards] Message: Gettings GPU informations
[POL_LoadVar_Device] Message: VendorID : 10de
[POL_LoadVar_Device] Message: DeviceID : 11c6
[POL_Website_GET] Message: GET
wine: Call from 0x7b440872 to unimplemented function vcruntime140.dll.__uncaught_exceptions, aborting

Now I have error window form launcher. I tryed to remplace vcruntime140.dll from wine forlder to new but it do not gave result.



Edited by TankaKuma

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