Some news about the web site's internationalization
Sunday 27 January 2008 at 21:23
As the title indicate it, the PlayOnLinux's web site moves about a lot since the week end begins. As you can note it, we did a lot of changes in order to be able to translate the web site in other languages.
What are these changes?
Dates in the database
Goku and me, when we had created the web site, didn't think even one second that we will do an english version some day. Consequently, we had directly stocked "Le mardi 13 octobre à 13:15" into the database. Not very intelligent, you will tell me ... so I passed the evening to make scripts to standardize dates with a "universal" format. Dates are now translated.
The web site's default language is English
As you could note, the web site is now in English by default. It will be simpler for everybody I think.
Various additional translations
Such as private messages, forums' bottom
Forums' URLs have been modified
It's possible that you encounter 404 errors, thank you to report them

Some fixed javascript
In the same time, why going without?

All these stuffs to say ...
Firstly we will translate the web site in various other languages. We did a poll to know in which languages it should be translated first.
Our demands
- We are looking for a motivated translator to do, for the moment, German, Italian or Spanish web sites using the French or the English translation.
- We are looking for a team for each web site i.e, German, Italian, Spanish and Engslish moderators, newsers.
If you're interested in, thank you to send me a private message.
By Tinou
PlayOnLinux 2.0.7 released
Sunday 27 January 2008 at 20:26
PlayOnLinux 2.0.7 is out with some minor changes again.
What's new:
- Polish translation. Thanks to Lachu
- Russian translation. Thanks to chain2k
- Italian language fixed, thanks to Anubis
- Problem with the --run command fixed. Thanks again to hasi for reporting this bug.
By Tinou
Open source is progressing
Sunday 27 January 2008 at 20:04

Windows still represents nearly 95% of visits, and despite the release of Vista, the cumulative shares of Windows decrease slowly. It fell below 95% in October 2007 to achieve at the end of 2007 94.96%, while the share was near 95.7% at the end of 2006. This small part lost has been recovered by Mac OS and Linux, the shares of linux rose from 0.76% to 0.88% and Mac OS from 3.12 to 3.72. At this rate it is necessary to wait a hundred years before that linux does represent a sizable portion to push developers to take a look to our favorite penguin.

The growth of Firefox is even more pronounced and alarming for the Microsoft Web browser, adding new features such as tabs and anti-phishing on IE7 have not reversed the tide. The first 6 months of the year 2007, shares in Europe browser increased from 23% to 27%. The shares have remained stable and then made a small leap and reach 28% in December 2007.
Let me remind you that these statistics do not reflect the actual market share because they come from the Web survey institute Xiti, the computers that do not surf on the web are not counted.
That is the end of my first news, please feel free to let me know your comments and criticisms in PM

Wine version 0.9.54
Friday 25 January 2008 at 19:07
This new release brings:

- Photoshop CS/CS2 should now work, please help us testing it.
See for details.
- A number of RPC fixes.
- Various improvements to the debugger support.
- Lots of bug fixes.
To see detailed release's note, go to the official announce's page.
To downlaod binary packages for several systems and distributions, see HERE.
POL featured in Wine Weekly News Issue 340
Saturday 26 January 2008 at 6:12
It focuses on a favorable review on the Wine Review blog. The review is pretty brief and contains a few screenshots, but mainly serves to introduce POL to a wider audience and outline its featureset.
To sum it up, POL is a promising frontend installer for Windows and Dos programs. Although there are some scripts that are outdated (POL uses Wine 0.9.37 to run MSOffice 2003, and the IE6 installation script - which uses the IE4Linux script - doesn't work properly on the current 0.9.53), the advantage of POL online repositories (and consequently an active community contributing) gives it the upper end in updating installation scripts for supported programs.
It's great to see such positive feedback from the Wine community, and hopefully this will help spur the development along. See the post below if you're interested in helping out.
Huge recruitment session
Saturday 26 January 2008 at 11:24

With PlayOnLinux's development and the growing internationalization, the need of an English specific team is more and more perceptible.
That's why we are starting a huge recruitment campaign. You think that PlayOnLinux is a a superb initiative? You always wanted to contribute to free software but you didn't know where to begin with? This is your chance!
Indeed PlayOnLinux's (POL's) project is potentially useful for everyone as most of the computer owners use it to play, would it be occasionally. Moreover, particular knowledges and/or talents are NOT required to become part of POL's team, judge it by yourself:
There are 3 main positions you can apply to:
- Newser for the English website. Should write news about free software and games' current events. Should obviously write perfect English and be ready to propose news at least once a week.
- Moderator for the English website. Should keep an eye on what is said and answer or follow up talked about issues. Won't be left alone, there's a team and administrators working together. Should obviously write perfect English and be ready to make the "don't write what your mother wouldn't like to read" rule respected almost everyday. This is a mighty position with the tools provided so previous experience(s) or "active and positive" participation in the POL's forum would be preferred.
- Scripter. Should be able to write scripts (in bash) to configurate Wine, which purpose is to facilitate the "install and play" of your favorite games. Should test and maintain his/her own scripts. Should know basic Linux commands (the bash script creation and the POL's specific commands are easy and quick to learn) and own games (or friends who'd lend them) in order to write the corresponding scripts.
But it's not all. If you don't have any skills in English (how did you come through down to here then??

If you are interested in applying to one of these positions or if you just want more information, feel free to contact either me (via Private Message - free registration needed - or via e-mail : lenaindelamoria <at> or Tinou the administrator (Private Message or e-mail : postmaster <at>
We are looking forward to hearing from U!
NVIDIA display driver 169.09
Tuesday 22 January 2008 at 13:38

Here's the release highlights list:
- Fixed a problem causing the fan on some GPUs to always run at full speed.
- Fixed a bug that caused the X driver to crash if the X.Org GLX extension module was loaded intead of NVIDIA??s.
- Improved the X driver??s awareness of the current notebook docking status.
- Fixed brightness control on HP Compaq notebooks.
- Fixed a bug in the Linux/i2c algorithm driver implementation that prevented core transfer types from succeeding.
The official page of the 32 bits NVIDIA display driver 169.09 (EN).
The official page of the 64 bits NVIDIA display driver 169.09 (EN).
NVIDIA display driver 169.09 for x86 systems (USA)
NVIDIA display driver 169.09 for x86_64 systems (USA)
Source :
PlayOnLinux 2.0.6 released
Monday 21 January 2008 at 22:11
PlayOnLinux 2.0.6 is out with some minor changes.
Waht's new :
- Correction of the English language: Thansk to AndrewTheArt
- New Italien translation: Thanks to kurama
- Correction of a problem with the "--run" command (the script would leave a space before the first argument, which could hinder some Windows applications). Thanks to hasi for pointing out the bug.
French (we never know

By Tinou
ATI Catalyst 8.01
Sunday 20 January 2008 at 13:23

This update brings:
- The official support of RedHat Enteprise Linux 5.1 and 4.6, and of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) too.
- A display error will no longer be noticed in the lower right corner of the screen or on the mouse pointer after the system is running for a long period of time.
- Connecting a display device that supports 1680x1050 to a system running Linux will no longer result in a maximum display resolution of 1280x1024 (the only one available previously).
- Custom mode lines in xorg.conf will no longer be ignored by the fglrx driver.
- Suspending to RAM or DISK on kernels version 2.6.23 or later no longer fails.
Full and detailed release's notes are HERE.
ATI Catalyst 8.01 for x86 systems
ATI Catalyst 8.01 for x86_64 systems
The Sands of Time are chasing you
Sunday 13 January 2008 at 15:58
I'll carry on the series with the sublime Prince of Persia - Warrior Within

The Dahaka, that invincible beast of time, is tracking you... change your destiny, fight the empress of time, destroy the sands, save your soul!!
For more details, check the forum HERE

Good game

By GNU_Raziel